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Purpose & Mission
We promote dialog in the healthcare sector and ensure that costs are saved in a meaningful way. Everyone should benefit from medical progress with the help of IT.
CompuGroup Medical SE, one of the leading eHealth companies worldwide, held its Annual General Meeting, virtually, today for the first time. This became necessary due to the social distancing regulations in place as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which continue to apply. With a majority of 75.67 %, the shareholders of the MDAX company decided to change its legal form into a partnership limited by shares (Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, KGaA). This gives the company additional flexibility in financing future growth and continues to bind the Gotthardt family closely to the company as reliable anchor shareholders.
Frank Gotthardt, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, founded today's CompuGroup Medical SE in 1987 and has since then been at the helm of the company, the shares of which are traded in the MDAX since September 2019. "I am pleased that a vast majority of shareholders followed the proposal of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board today, and I wish to thank all of the shareholders for their trust," emphasizes Frank Gotthardt. "We will continue on our consistent growth course of the past years. Following this change of legal form, we are firmly determined to be even more successful in taking advantage of the enormous opportunities offered by digitization in the healthcare sector for the benefit of all.”
"The past few weeks, with the dramatic developments during the global COVID-19 pandemic, have shown the great potential that digitization has in the healthcare system," continued Frank Gotthardt. "Video consultations, telemonitoring and electronic patient files are just a few of the applications that bring real added value beyond the current crisis situation. In the current Corona crisis, these applications protect patients, doctors and everyone else who works in the healthcare sector." This is exactly what the high demand for digital solutions shows. Over the past two months approximately 80,000 new customers registered for the CGM video consultation – a quantum leap.
All items on the agenda were adopted in the virtual Annual General Meeting with the required majority. Among other things, CompuGroup Medical SE will pay a dividend of EUR 0.50 per share, which is at the previous year's level.
As part of the change of legal form, a monistically structured European Stock Corporation (Societas Europaea, SE), CompuGroup Medical Management SE, will join the future CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA as its general partner. CompuGroup Medical Management SE is indirectly held by Mr. Frank Gotthardt as controlling shareholder. The Administrative Board of CompuGroup Medical Management SE consists of Mr. Frank Gotthardt (Chairman), Dr. Klaus Esser (Deputy Chairman) and Prof. Dr. Daniel Gotthardt.
The change of legal form does not change the participation of the shareholders in the company. They will hold the same number of shares in KGaA as they hold in CompuGroup Medical SE prior to the change of legal form. The aggregate number of shares issued will also remain unchanged. However, the shares of the future KGaA will be registered shares as opposed to the current bearer shares. The change of legal form will become effective upon registration with the commercial register.
The Supervisory Board of CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA will comprise of six shareholder representatives and the same number of employee representatives. Mr. Philipp von Ilberg, Dr. Ulrike Handel, Dr. Bettina Volkens, Mr. Matthias Störmer, Prof. Dr. Martin Köhrmann as well as Dr. Michael Fuchs were elected to the Supervisory Board as shareholder representatives. The election of the employee representatives to the Supervisory Board will take place in accordance with the legal regulations after registration of the change of form with the commercial register.
Until entry in the commercial register, the current Supervisory Board of CompuGroup Medical SE will remain in force. With a large majority, the shareholders re-elected the four current shareholder representatives for the Supervisory Board, whose term of office ended at the end of the Annual General Meeting. Dr. Klaus Esser is to remain the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Prof. Dr. Daniel Gotthardt, Dr. Ulrike Handel and Mr. Thomas Seifert were also re-elected to the Supervisory Board.