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Execution of endoscopic examinations can be significantly simplified as a result of implementation of CGM ENDORAAD clinical information system for endoscopy. Nowadays, the proven and secure tools facilitating the work in procedure rooms are the basis of functioning of modern diagnostic facility.
CGM ENDORAAD system contains clinical information from the scope of endoscopic and USG examinations. The system makes it possible to record single images or video sequences as well as to create the reports from executed medical procedures. CGM CGM ENDORAAD stores complete documentation from executed examinations in a long term archive and makes it accessible to defined users in the form of a complete electronic medical patient record (EPR). Timeless solution improving the management of clinical information in various types of endoscopic and USG laboratories is warranted by advanced technology and continuous development of CGM ENDORAAD system.
The system has been created on the basis of layered modular architecture the shape of which can be adapted to individual needs of specified facility. Its scalability makes it possible to add new functionalities and to connect further diagnostics laboratories in a manner ensuring the system extension in accordance with the facility development.
Main module of the system is installed on a standard personal computer in procedure room. Remaining functional modules are accessible in Client – Server model. Therefore, their installation on selected workstations is unnecessary. UNIX (Red Hat Linux) software is used in operating system layer of CGM ENDORAAD server. The access to the system is possible by means of a standard web browser.
In the scope data architecture, ENDORAAD uses technologies supplied by world’s manufacturers. Thanks to such solutions it is possible to serve many users simultaneously as well as to ensure proper efficiency and stability in the most demanding medical environments.
It is possible to manage the work of the whole endoscopic laboratory by means of three modules.
Information immediately accessible to hospital employees and to other medical specialists.
CGM ENDORAAD endoscopic system can be connected to various types of diagnostics equipment (DICOM, non-DICOM)
CGM ENDORAAD enables complex management of endoscopic and USG laboratories. Except of its basic function consisting in capturing of medical images and in enabling description of examinations, the system incorporates many other functionalities significantly affecting the comfort of medical personnel work and the improvement of patients service. ENDORAAD enables the electronic flow of medical documentation and medical data archiving in the form of a complex medical record of each patient. The system can be fully integrated with other programs. Therefore, data transfer is possible between ENDORAAD and the systems supplied by other manufacturers.
CGM ENDORAAD warrants the highest safety of gathered and processed medical data. Applied encryption technologies prevent capturing and change of data being transferred. The system makes it possible to define the access to medical data depending on users authorizations.
CGM ENDORAAD can be integrated with medical devices (regardless of their manufacturer) generating endoscopic and USG images in various data formats. Medical images originating from various devices are captured by the system and stored in central archive. Such solution allows for the use of all advantages of diagnostics laboratories digitalization, ensuring effective flow of information, contributing to costs reduction as a result of elimination of analogue documentation and reducing time required to search information about patients.
CGM ENDORAAD system in SaaS model (Software as a Service) is offered as a software in the form of e-service. This model allows for the access to selected modules of the system localized in dedicated data centre by means of web browser. In this way the reports from endoscopic examinations with medical images are made available to defined system users. Such solution reduces the costs associated with server infrastructure purchase and significantly reduces the time of system implementation in your facility.
CGM ENDORAAD is a comprehensive system based on multi-modular architecture, the shape of which can be tailored as required by a specific facility. Its scalability allows adding new functionalities and connecting other diagnostic procedure rooms, so that the system is extended in sync with the development of the facility. With it, you can create an effective model of a diagnostic facility’s operation.